Healing and Patient-Centred Hospital Designs
New public hospitals built in the recent decade have focused on improved ward layouts and creating a radical new design to enhance the...
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Centre for Health Innovation (CHI) Established in 2016, the Centre for Health Innovation provides a platform for healthcare...
PsychoDrama Singapore
PsychoDrama Singapore is an initiative set by psychodramatist Sharmini Winslow under the auspices of Promises Healthcare. Her experience...
Danspire is a somatic arts for health and wellness organisation founded by Vincent Yong. As one of the few somatic movement practitioners...
Art Therapy Association Singapore
ATAS (est. 2008) is the professional association for art therapists in Singapore. Art therapists in Singapore holding a Master Degree in...
Association for Music Therapy (Singapore)
Formed in 2007, ATMS is the professional association for music therapists in Singapore. As there is currently no formal education for...
AIC Wellness Programme
Amongst the health and social services sector, AIC is identified as the frequent adopter of Arts and Health. In 2014, AIC established the...
TOUCH Community Services
TOUCH Centre for Independent Living TOUCH Centre for Independent Living is a day activity centre that seeks to provide competency-based...
Alzheimer’s Disease Association
Arts & Dementia Programme Since 2013, with the support from National Arts Council (NAC), the Alzheimer’s Disease Association has been...
Singapore Association for Mental Health
SAMH Creative MINDSET Hub The SAMH Creative MINDSET Hub offers a range of services integrating expressive arts through various art media...
Alexandra Hospital
Alex H.E.A.L H.E.A.L, the acronym for “Help. Engage. Assist Lives”, is a patient and family engagement programme by Alexandra Hospital....
Khoo Teck Phuat Hospital
HEaling ARTS (HEARTS) The “HEaling ARTS” or “HEARTS” Program was inducted in May 2006 at Alexandra Hospital to provide cultural...
KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital
KKheART Programme This art support group was started in 2009 by the Department of Psychological Medicine in KK Women’s and Children’s...
Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Art of Healing Programme The Art of Healing Programme in Tan Tock Seng Hospital was launched in 2006 as an initiative to use the arts as...
National University Hospital
Project DreamCatcher Project Dreamcatcher is part of the adolescent chronic illness peer group programme developed by the Department of...
Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
Arts and Health JurongHealth Campus recognises that art helps to create a caring, relaxing and engaging environment for patients, their...
Singapore General Hospital
Arts for Health Programme The Arts for Health programme (est. 1998) at the Singapore General Hospital is the earliest art in hospital...
Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall
Be My Robo-Date This programme is part of the National Heritage Board’s initiative to provide access for individuals who are unable to...
Peranakan Museum
Culture, Kopi and Kueh In partnership with the Agency for Integrated Care (AIC), the Peranakan Museum ran two cycles of this six-week...
Esplanade - Theatres on the Bay
Sing Out Loud This programme promotes the use of arts for active ageing among seniors. Each session is facilitated by artists, therapists...