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Arts, Creativity and Technology for Seniors

Places and Voices of Our Neighbourhood Befriending Toolkit

Designed by local educator and artist, Moses Sia, this activity was created as a part of the Befriender’s Arts Toolkit launched by NAC. The Befriender’s Arts Toolkit is a resource to provide community befriender volunteers with simple arts-based activity ideas to engage with the elderlies within the neighbourhood. This activity invites individuals to share about places in the neighbourhood and capture stories through a visual map using an interactive application, TinyTap.

Happi Kopi

Happi Kopi is a project initiated by local educator and artist, Moses Sia, worked with Nursing Home residents to create multimedia narrative pieces that capture their stories and memories of kopitiams (local coffee shops). The interactive pieces were displayed at several locations such as the SPARKS! Art Wellness Exhibition and the Arts in Eldercare Seminar 2018 for the community.

magic mARkers

magic mARkers by Lee Sze-Chin, Woon Tien Wei and Nigel Chen, is a community arts project where seniors are enabled with augmented and virtual reality tools to tell their stories. The “magic marker” wordplay refers to the digital tools that the seniors will utilise during the workshops to (re)present a place of their childhood/youth. Through a series of workshops, seniors will learn the basics of sketching, take 360º photos and videos, and experiment with enhancing those places they documented through digital assets and sketching.

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